Meal Plan
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Plan Options
Meal Plans are your key to all-access dining on campus - with more bang for your buck. Dining on campus gives you the convenience of eating what and when you want, without having to leave campus and losing that parking spot, shopping, or doing dishes.
All undergraduate students residing in the Residence Halls must participate in one of our two Meal Plans. Understanding the need for flexible options to accommodate busy schedules, we are pleased to offer two distinct meal plan choices.
Buy Unlimited
Unlimited Meal Plan
This plan ensures you’ll always be satisfied. Enjoy Unlimited Meals 7 days a week, plus $300 in Bobcat Bucks to meet all your dining needs and preferences. Unable to dine in the Bobcat Cafe! Just use your daily Meal Exchange at any campus retail location.
Price: $2,800.00
Buy 14 Plan
14 Plan
Do you often skip breakfast? Well, our 14 Meal Plan each week might be the perfect fit for you. It also includes $600 in Bobcat Bucks to spend at various campus locations. Unable to dine in the Bobcat Cafe! Just use your daily Meal Exchange at any campus retail location.
Price: $2,690.00
Eating on campus is easy with a Meal Plan. Commuters can select from the options below. Choose your plan and add it to your account in the Bobcat Cafe.
Buy 10 Block
10 Block
Not on campus much, this plan is perfect for you! Commuters can choose this plan, which offers 10 Bobcat Cafe meals and includes $100 bucks to spend at any campus location.
Price: $190.00
Buy 25 Block
25 Block
Available to commuters, this plan offers 25 Bobcat Cafe meals and $100 bucks to spend at any campus location.
Price: $305.00
Bobcat Bucks Only Plan
Looking for Bobcat Bucks? Below are our plan options you can choose to purchase separately or as an add-on to any meal plan.
Buy Bobcat $250
Bobcat $250
Buy $250 in Bobcat Bucks and receive an addition $30 Bobcat Bucs on us for free!!!!
Price: $250.00
Buy Bobcat $150
Bobcat $150
Purchase $150 in Bobcat Bucks and receive an additional $15 in Bobcat Bucks at no extra cost.
Price: $150.00
Buy Bobcat $25
Bobcat $25
Need to add a little bit more Bobcat Bucks! Purchases the $25 Bobcat Bucks add-on option
Price: $25
Faculty and Staff
Faculty/Staff Block 25
25 Block
This exclusive plan includes 25 meals at Bobcat Cafe, delivering significant savings with an average cost of only $8.36 per meal. It combines both affordability and convenience.
Price: $209
Faculty/Staff Block 50
50 Block
This Premium dining plan offers 50 meals at Bobcat Cafe at an average cost of just $7.80 per meal. It combines affordability with convenience, providing the best of both worlds.
Price: $390
To buy a meal plan please go to In case you have any inquiries, please visit the Meal Plan Office or email: